We are a small organization devoted to providing you with the latest information and happenings as it pertains to the convergence of art, music, and psychedelics.
We are in the midst of another psychedelic renaissance, the second in recent modern times, but likely one of countless to have come before. The taboos are lifting, prohibitive laws are relaxing, and more and more people are either "coming out", so to speak. or joining the community as neophytes. By no means has the "War On Some Drugs" ended, but there definitely seems to be a psychedelic light at the end of the tunnel.
While a significant aspect of this current renaissance centers on therapeutic and health benefits of psychedelics, which is all well and good, we believe our role here at TBM is to keep a focus on the culture that arises from their communal and social use. We strongly believe and promote that responsible recreational consumption of our cherished psychedelic substances is of extreme benefit to our communities, and even humanity at large. In other words, trippin balls mustn't always be relegated to solemn religious ceremonies or sterile clinical healing settings.
When it comes to the content on our site, we utilize cutting edge technology, including AI, to create a compelling and engaging website for the psychedelic community. While some blog articles may showcase artists using AI to create new & novel works, we are committed to heavily highlighting and celebrating traditional artists as well. Regardless of the tool used, if it's trippy and well done, we want to feature it!
Our position is that overall, humanly crafted art is considerably more valuable than most AI art for several reasons. One, without the manmade art before it, AI art could not possibly exist. Two, without a continued source of humanly produced art, newly trained AI models will collapse and become useless. However, when it comes to producing truly strange and bizarre psychedelic visual effects, our opinion is that AI is uniquely and arguably better than its human counterparts. At the end of the day, we reserve the right to host any and all content that furthers our mission as we see fit. We hope you understand.
Trippin Balls Media ™
Please reach us at info@trippinballsmedia.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
In keeping with our overall trippy vibe, we are a blend of truth and satire. It's up to you to distinguish which is which.
Depends on what's happening of interest... No, seriously we have a commitment to ourselves to publish a new blog article every Thursday, Friday, & Saturday. This coincides with when folks are most likely going to either be trippin balls or thinking about it. Other content, like featured animations or music videos, will depend on the circumstances.
We exist solely to help you trip far & wide. Any accusations to the contrary are simply your hallucinations.
Copyright © 2025 Trippin Balls Media - All Rights Reserved.
Expanding consciousness everyday...
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